First noticable issue was when the Gas Gauge read FULL when I knew it was now, from there the heat gauge started showing as Overheating, the Tachometre would be incorrect or sporradic, and the Speedometre started not working or being obviously incorrect. The Trip started to not work properly, in a distance of about 50km, it showed i went about 3km. Odometre either would be blank or read 9999999. The fix for my problem was a full gauge cluster replacement. We pulled a used on out of another pathfinder and replaced it ourselves. PLEASE NOTE: We forgot to write down the initial Km's from the first gauge and the new working gauge! We now cannot get the new working gauge reset to the proper milage. My pathfinder now has to legally be: "unknown milage". Unfortunately the new Gauge reads 380 000 Km's, when my Pathfinder only really should have MAYBE 200 000 right now. Learn from my mistake!
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First noticable issue was when the Gas Gauge read FULL when I knew it was now, from there the heat gauge started showing as Overheating, the Tachometre would be incorrect or sporradic, and the Speedometre started not working or being obviously incorrect. The Trip started to not work properly, in a distance of about 50km, it showed i went about 3km. Odometre either would be blank or read 9999999. The fix for my problem was a full gauge cluster replacement. We pulled a used on out of another pathfinder and replaced it ourselves. PLEASE NOTE: We forgot to write down the initial Km's from the first gauge and the new working gauge! We now cannot get the new working gauge reset to the proper milage. My pathfinder now has to legally be: "unknown milage". Unfortunately the new Gauge reads 380 000 Km's, when my Pathfinder only really should have MAYBE 200 000 right now. Learn from my mistake!
- maxxaid, Kelowna, BC, canada