It turns over, I poured gas in the throttle body, I changed the distributor, I put new plugs, new wires, new cap, new rotor, and ignition key switch, It will start up and run for a few minutes and quit, and wont start back up until you wait a while, and when it gets ready to start it will start and run a few minutes and quit. This truck has the distributor that has the coil and all inside. It only has 4 holes in the dis. cap. Please help James
It turns over, I poured gas in the throttle body, I changed the distributor, I put new plugs, new wires, new cap, new rotor, and ignition key switch, It will start up and run for a few minutes and quit, and wont start back up until you wait a while, and when it gets ready to start it will start and run a few minutes and quit. This truck has the distributor that has the coil and all inside. It only has 4 holes in the dis. cap. Please help James
- James D., Waynesboro, MS, US