I'm totally fed up with my 2010 Nissan Rogue. I've had to replaced the coolant system in 2014-$1,100.; the transmission 12/2016 (thank God that was under warranty); 2/2017- more repairs_ $1,554.; 6/2017- reserve gas indicator keep coming on $270.; 9/2015- timing chain- $960. I wish someone would have warned me about this car company. This will be my last Nissan.
I'm totally fed up with my 2010 Nissan Rogue. I've had to replaced the coolant system in 2014-$1,100.; the transmission 12/2016 (thank God that was under warranty); 2/2017- more repairs_ $1,554.; 6/2017- reserve gas indicator keep coming on $270.; 9/2015- timing chain- $960. I wish someone would have warned me about this car company. This will be my last Nissan.
This company really needs to do better.
- dollysgirl, Prospect Park, US