DIC was working until 3/26 when I filled up tank. Fuel gauge quit registering full when filled up a couple of months ago when I was in Minnesota and temp dropped to -50. Since then DIC worked until 3/26. I don't know if there is an association between the two or not. It is irritating that the fuel gauge does not read full when full but can be lived with. I was using the DIC to give me an accurate miles left to empty reading until 3/26. Now not sure if either can be trusted. I travel so its important to know how much fuel you have... Irritating.....
DIC was working until 3/26 when I filled up tank. Fuel gauge quit registering full when filled up a couple of months ago when I was in Minnesota and temp dropped to -50. Since then DIC worked until 3/26. I don't know if there is an association between the two or not. It is irritating that the fuel gauge does not read full when full but can be lived with. I was using the DIC to give me an accurate miles left to empty reading until 3/26. Now not sure if either can be trusted. I travel so its important to know how much fuel you have... Irritating.....
- sunderland, Bethalto, IL, US