This car is a piece of junk. We bought this car when it was only a year old with 36000 km on it. That should have told us to go running. Since owning this car, I have replaced the front and back mounts pretty well yearly. Tires are a mess all of the time because they scallop and wear. I have replaced the U-joint in the steering system twice and other parts of the steering system are needing to be replaced yearly. At least twice a year, I can count on a steering related bill of at least $1000.00. The car shakes constantly and it doesn't matter how many alignments are done within an hour of leaving the garage, the shake is as bad as ever. As soon as it is paid for, it is being replaced with a more reliable vehicle - probably a Kia or Hyundai.
This car is a piece of junk. We bought this car when it was only a year old with 36000 km on it. That should have told us to go running. Since owning this car, I have replaced the front and back mounts pretty well yearly. Tires are a mess all of the time because they scallop and wear. I have replaced the U-joint in the steering system twice and other parts of the steering system are needing to be replaced yearly. At least twice a year, I can count on a steering related bill of at least $1000.00. The car shakes constantly and it doesn't matter how many alignments are done within an hour of leaving the garage, the shake is as bad as ever. As soon as it is paid for, it is being replaced with a more reliable vehicle - probably a Kia or Hyundai.
- angiedee, Middleton, NS, canada