A poor design by Porsche gives top drains that clog easily. When they do, water collects under the seats. Guess what, a very expensive little DME computer is bolted to the floor there. The water shorts it out and you have big problems. Your top won't work, locks don't work, trunks won't open, spoiler won't work, horn may honk, goes on and on. Requires the dealers PWIS diagnostic computer to program the new one. And it may have damaged parrts of varios linkages, especially the top, while trying to operate.
Porsche, good to drive, terrible to own.
And no continuous improvement here. The problem started in about 1996 and continues to this day.
Google "Porsche water under the seat problem" for dozens of links to forums and websites on the problem. Not limited to Boxsters. Also happens to 911 Cabrios and to non-convertibles which may leak from door and window seals, sunroofs, A/C drains, etc.
A poor design by Porsche gives top drains that clog easily. When they do, water collects under the seats. Guess what, a very expensive little DME computer is bolted to the floor there. The water shorts it out and you have big problems. Your top won't work, locks don't work, trunks won't open, spoiler won't work, horn may honk, goes on and on. Requires the dealers PWIS diagnostic computer to program the new one. And it may have damaged parrts of varios linkages, especially the top, while trying to operate.
Porsche, good to drive, terrible to own.
And no continuous improvement here. The problem started in about 1996 and continues to this day.
Google "Porsche water under the seat problem" for dozens of links to forums and websites on the problem. Not limited to Boxsters. Also happens to 911 Cabrios and to non-convertibles which may leak from door and window seals, sunroofs, A/C drains, etc.
- Lowell Q., Dallas, TX, US