I had a misfire code from cylinder 2, so I changed the coil pack and spark plugs. After resetting, it came back on after 70 miles. I checked the plugs and connections again and reset it. It came back on after another 65 miles. I took the parts back and exchanged them for a new coil pack and spark plugs and replaced - then the light came back on after 217 miles.
I am frustrated as hell. I just bought this used and now at 131,000 miles it's back to square one. What next?
I had a misfire code from cylinder 2, so I changed the coil pack and spark plugs. After resetting, it came back on after 70 miles. I checked the plugs and connections again and reset it. It came back on after another 65 miles. I took the parts back and exchanged them for a new coil pack and spark plugs and replaced - then the light came back on after 217 miles.
I am frustrated as hell. I just bought this used and now at 131,000 miles it's back to square one. What next?
- Larry O., Missouri City, US