Well this is a Read manufacture rebuilt Transmission. The one I had in there before. The code kept saying that it had a transmission shifting problem. So I replaced the cylinder shifting cylinders. About $300 Or about more. Did not work, it kept messing up. So I purchased a remanufactured transmission rebuilt.. Now the check engine light just keeps coming on with codes that are.. Hydraulic pressure low and Transmission pressure sensor is bad. I replaced it. It's still comes on, this is so irritating.. This part has nothing to do with the engine but if the check engine light is on when I have it go to emissions, it will fail. I'm at a loss of what to do.
Well this is a Read manufacture rebuilt Transmission. The one I had in there before. The code kept saying that it had a transmission shifting problem. So I replaced the cylinder shifting cylinders. About $300 Or about more. Did not work, it kept messing up. So I purchased a remanufactured transmission rebuilt.. Now the check engine light just keeps coming on with codes that are.. Hydraulic pressure low and Transmission pressure sensor is bad. I replaced it. It's still comes on, this is so irritating.. This part has nothing to do with the engine but if the check engine light is on when I have it go to emissions, it will fail. I'm at a loss of what to do.
- Emmett K., Tucson, AZ, US