The automatic transmission started acting up as soon as the weather got cold. The first time it happened I nearly ran the truck into the side of the house. When putting the transmission into drive or reverse when it's cold the transmission locks up into high gear and if the parking brake is not set and you have both feet on the brake, the truck will lurch forward or backword at a high rate of speed. If the brakes are set, it kilss the engine dead.(this requires a lot of torque to kill a big cummins engine. Also at time the truck will not shift above fourth gear on the highway. I have had the truck into the dealer several times to try and remedy this problem. Thus far they have replaced the torque converter an the valve body in the transmission. This has not fixed the problem. The dealer says they can't duplicate the problem and therefor it is operating within design specs. I filed a complaint with ram customer care and they closed the case. Their customer service is terrible at best. All they can do is spout off some canned phrases like " I can understand how you feel. I know how frustrating this is. Thanks for being a part of the Ram family." I filed a comlaint with the NHTSB after they closed my case. Priop to closing the case they promised to pay one of my truck payments. Now all I get is "Our legal department has advised us not to talk to you about your case." I ask nothing but for them to get my truck fixed in a satisfactory manner. I have driven Ford trucks all my life and decided to try a Ram this time. Never again will I risk the hassle of a Ram again. I'm stuck with payments on an unsafe vehicle. As soon as possoble I will be retaining a lawer to see if I can pursue the Lemon Law. I feel unsafe in this vehicle and would not reccomend this model to anyone.
The automatic transmission started acting up as soon as the weather got cold. The first time it happened I nearly ran the truck into the side of the house. When putting the transmission into drive or reverse when it's cold the transmission locks up into high gear and if the parking brake is not set and you have both feet on the brake, the truck will lurch forward or backword at a high rate of speed. If the brakes are set, it kilss the engine dead.(this requires a lot of torque to kill a big cummins engine. Also at time the truck will not shift above fourth gear on the highway. I have had the truck into the dealer several times to try and remedy this problem. Thus far they have replaced the torque converter an the valve body in the transmission. This has not fixed the problem. The dealer says they can't duplicate the problem and therefor it is operating within design specs. I filed a complaint with ram customer care and they closed the case. Their customer service is terrible at best. All they can do is spout off some canned phrases like " I can understand how you feel. I know how frustrating this is. Thanks for being a part of the Ram family." I filed a comlaint with the NHTSB after they closed my case. Priop to closing the case they promised to pay one of my truck payments. Now all I get is "Our legal department has advised us not to talk to you about your case." I ask nothing but for them to get my truck fixed in a satisfactory manner. I have driven Ford trucks all my life and decided to try a Ram this time. Never again will I risk the hassle of a Ram again. I'm stuck with payments on an unsafe vehicle. As soon as possoble I will be retaining a lawer to see if I can pursue the Lemon Law. I feel unsafe in this vehicle and would not reccomend this model to anyone.
- Gayland D., Ferron, UT, US