I love the Subaru Ascent except for the Windshield issues.
In fact, I love it so much this is my 2nd one. My first one also had a cracked windshield due to a rock.But the damage seemed so small for the large issue it caused. It's like the crack on the inside spread like a lightning bolt. You could not feel it on the outside of the car or the inside of the car, it was internally cracking.
So, My 2022 Ascent windshield is even worse. I didn't hear a rock hit, I was on a small 2 lane highway, no trucks or cars around. No trees around to drop acorn or walnut bombs. I heard the glass crack though. Once I stopped to try to see where the sound came from, I see a line going through the glass. I can feel a slight and I mean slight rough spot. Like a pen tip size spot. It was cracked about 4 inches long. Then, that evening the temperature outside dropped. It is parked in a carport at night. In the morning it had spread a few more inches. I wish I could get better pictures of it.
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I love the Subaru Ascent except for the Windshield issues.
In fact, I love it so much this is my 2nd one. My first one also had a cracked windshield due to a rock.But the damage seemed so small for the large issue it caused. It's like the crack on the inside spread like a lightning bolt. You could not feel it on the outside of the car or the inside of the car, it was internally cracking.
So, My 2022 Ascent windshield is even worse. I didn't hear a rock hit, I was on a small 2 lane highway, no trucks or cars around. No trees around to drop acorn or walnut bombs. I heard the glass crack though. Once I stopped to try to see where the sound came from, I see a line going through the glass. I can feel a slight and I mean slight rough spot. Like a pen tip size spot. It was cracked about 4 inches long. Then, that evening the temperature outside dropped. It is parked in a carport at night. In the morning it had spread a few more inches. I wish I could get better pictures of it.
- ah0285am, Whitsett, US