After I had my transmission fixed a month later my car started to make loud noises and it almost did not pass inspection (in matter of fact it passed by luck) I have been poor since getting the transmission fixed and so I haven't gotten this one fixed yet- but it has something to do with the exhaust- One guy has said the Catalytic Converter ($800.00) to fix while some think it might just be something loose or the Muffler (hopefully) Murphy's law in full effect with this car - once one thing goes it all down hill from there-
After I had my transmission fixed a month later my car started to make loud noises and it almost did not pass inspection (in matter of fact it passed by luck) I have been poor since getting the transmission fixed and so I haven't gotten this one fixed yet- but it has something to do with the exhaust- One guy has said the Catalytic Converter ($800.00) to fix while some think it might just be something loose or the Muffler (hopefully) Murphy's law in full effect with this car - once one thing goes it all down hill from there-
- Sarah M., Rumford, ME, US