The spot welds that hold the firewall in place near the clutch/brake pedal assembly fail, allowing the firewire to "flex" when the brake pedal or clutch pedal is pressed. This flexing pushes the clutch cylinder up and away from the pedal so that when the clutch pedal is depressed, the slave cylinder isn't activated and you cannot put the vehicle into gear. These spot welds are located in the cowl, underneath the windshield wiper area assembly. Remove the cowl trim, the wiper arm assembly and motor to gain access to the area. Near the driver's side just above the clutch cylinder will be 5 broken spot welds. They are approximately 3/16" in diameter. They may look like dimples or holes depending on how badly the welds failed. Use a drill and a 3/16" bit to drill out the old spot welds and use a rivet gun with 3/16" steel rivets to replace the welds. Aluminum rivets will fail, as will smaller steel rivets. You must use 3/16" steel rivets. Use a rivet gun with a swivel head to gain access.
The spot welds that hold the firewall in place near the clutch/brake pedal assembly fail, allowing the firewire to "flex" when the brake pedal or clutch pedal is pressed. This flexing pushes the clutch cylinder up and away from the pedal so that when the clutch pedal is depressed, the slave cylinder isn't activated and you cannot put the vehicle into gear. These spot welds are located in the cowl, underneath the windshield wiper area assembly. Remove the cowl trim, the wiper arm assembly and motor to gain access to the area. Near the driver's side just above the clutch cylinder will be 5 broken spot welds. They are approximately 3/16" in diameter. They may look like dimples or holes depending on how badly the welds failed. Use a drill and a 3/16" bit to drill out the old spot welds and use a rivet gun with 3/16" steel rivets to replace the welds. Aluminum rivets will fail, as will smaller steel rivets. You must use 3/16" steel rivets. Use a rivet gun with a swivel head to gain access.
- gstorhof1, Oquawka, US