The remote entry system stopped working - one day I found the car with the parking lights blinking slowly & the battery was just about dead. Every time the lights blinked on & off, I heard a clicking noise coming from the remote entry system box which was zip-tied up under the dash near the clutch. I disconnected all the wires going into the box & the blinking & ticking noise stopped (imagine that).
Of course now I can't use the remote entry system but unlocking the car the old fashioned way isn't all that bad. Besides I'm sure a replacement from Subaru would be more expensive than it's worth.
The remote entry system stopped working - one day I found the car with the parking lights blinking slowly & the battery was just about dead. Every time the lights blinked on & off, I heard a clicking noise coming from the remote entry system box which was zip-tied up under the dash near the clutch. I disconnected all the wires going into the box & the blinking & ticking noise stopped (imagine that).
Of course now I can't use the remote entry system but unlocking the car the old fashioned way isn't all that bad. Besides I'm sure a replacement from Subaru would be more expensive than it's worth.
- Mike W., South Hero, VT, US