It started 7/25/2019 came out from shopping, car would not start, it's push button start I hate it, no noise at all like sluggish battery, the only thing was when I pushed to start the dashboard lit up and the tachometer needle went all the way over and back like usual while starting but nothing at all from battery or engine. The battery was checked and was 12.69 volts, enough to have started the car. Since then it has started like normal a few times, also it has done the same thing several times so I'm afraid to go anywhere with it. This is a puzzle to me.
It started 7/25/2019 came out from shopping, car would not start, it's push button start I hate it, no noise at all like sluggish battery, the only thing was when I pushed to start the dashboard lit up and the tachometer needle went all the way over and back like usual while starting but nothing at all from battery or engine. The battery was checked and was 12.69 volts, enough to have started the car. Since then it has started like normal a few times, also it has done the same thing several times so I'm afraid to go anywhere with it. This is a puzzle to me.
- Chanel L., Brookhaven, US