Having had a left knee replacement along with added physical age, I find myself feeling uneasy when putting weight on side stand, due to the what I feel is an increasing lean angle. It may all be in my head, but because of the surgery and weekend leg strength, I worry about dropping the bike.
I would like to be able to reduce this angle (remove or shorten the outer spring stretch). Tried a foot enlargement plate, which was some help, but these do not work with a center stand installed. Has anyone ever tried replacing the outer spring with a stiffer one? If so what did you end up using, or replacing the original? I have a 2006 model.
Having had a left knee replacement along with added physical age, I find myself feeling uneasy when putting weight on side stand, due to the what I feel is an increasing lean angle. It may all be in my head, but because of the surgery and weekend leg strength, I worry about dropping the bike.
I would like to be able to reduce this angle (remove or shorten the outer spring stretch). Tried a foot enlargement plate, which was some help, but these do not work with a center stand installed. Has anyone ever tried replacing the outer spring with a stiffer one? If so what did you end up using, or replacing the original? I have a 2006 model.
- William H., Westminster, CO, US