At the end of last year I called toyota and complained about my melting dash board of my 2006 toyota camry. A manufacturing problem in which was a recall, at that point of time they told me its been happening to other cars and that I need to bring the car in so they can have a brief look at it. They accepted my matter as a recall and therefore we made an appointment for the 5th of January 2017 to get it assessed and for them to take pictures of the car. on that day i was issued an invoice and approval to get the car fixed with 0 cost. I have the paper as proof. they told me to wait a couple of months for the parts to get done but it will still be done in a couple of months. since that time they never called me to tell me when it will be done or about the progress. now we are in October and they haven't called me once i have been calling so many times asking when it will get fixed. Their answer is they are still waiting for parts and that i should stop complaining because im getting it done for free. about a week ago i called again to see the progress and asked if it would be done before Christmas and i have been waiting patiently. they said that its not covered, its not going to be done and the car is over ten years old they wont do it. Im disappointed in the time i wasted, having to write it on paper but now disagreeing, rude customer service, i spoke to so many people and not one person the whole year told me it wasn't gonna get covered, the effort i put in, no option to get it done or sell the car if it wasnt going to get fixed instead of having it get worse, paying so much for a car for it to just get damaged or not last long for such money, if they knew it would melt after couple of years why use the material and the misleading information. I'M NEVER BUYING A TOYOTA EVER AGAIN AND I WILL ADVISE ALL TO STAY AWAY FROM THIS AWFUL BRAND!!!
At the end of last year I called toyota and complained about my melting dash board of my 2006 toyota camry. A manufacturing problem in which was a recall, at that point of time they told me its been happening to other cars and that I need to bring the car in so they can have a brief look at it. They accepted my matter as a recall and therefore we made an appointment for the 5th of January 2017 to get it assessed and for them to take pictures of the car. on that day i was issued an invoice and approval to get the car fixed with 0 cost. I have the paper as proof. they told me to wait a couple of months for the parts to get done but it will still be done in a couple of months. since that time they never called me to tell me when it will be done or about the progress. now we are in October and they haven't called me once i have been calling so many times asking when it will get fixed. Their answer is they are still waiting for parts and that i should stop complaining because im getting it done for free. about a week ago i called again to see the progress and asked if it would be done before Christmas and i have been waiting patiently. they said that its not covered, its not going to be done and the car is over ten years old they wont do it. Im disappointed in the time i wasted, having to write it on paper but now disagreeing, rude customer service, i spoke to so many people and not one person the whole year told me it wasn't gonna get covered, the effort i put in, no option to get it done or sell the car if it wasnt going to get fixed instead of having it get worse, paying so much for a car for it to just get damaged or not last long for such money, if they knew it would melt after couple of years why use the material and the misleading information. I'M NEVER BUYING A TOYOTA EVER AGAIN AND I WILL ADVISE ALL TO STAY AWAY FROM THIS AWFUL BRAND!!!
- Kristina V., Sydney, Australia