fairly significant- Typical Repair Cost:
- $140
- Average Mileage:
- 47,050 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 8 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (7 reports)
- vacuum switching valve (vsv) assembly (1 reports)
This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Toyota dealer.
After 3 hours of running errands around town with the vehicle operational the whole time, the vehicle would not accelerate above 20 mph after having stopped at a traffic light. Posted street speed limit was 35 mph. Pulled into a parking lot turning off the engine. Waited 5 minutes before restarting vehicle. No further incident for the remainder of the errands.
- Robert D., Peculiar, US
Running errands around town with the vehicle left operating for just over 3 hours, the vehicle on a road posted for 45 mph would not accelerate above 20 mph, check engine light came on. Pulled the vehicle into a side street, turned off engine. Waited 5 minutes before starting the engine. Completed the rest of the errands (about another hour) without further incident.
Talked with Toyota service center - as the check engine light did not remain on, there was nothing that would be determined about this event since that information is not retained by the vehicle computer diagnostic system. Suggestion provided was that if the check engine light comes on again, drive to the nearest O'Reilly's for them to evaluate the check engine message. Not much that Toyota service could do to evaluate the problem.
- Robert D., Peculiar, US
The problem occurs after 3 hours of vehicle operation.
First occurrence happened on the highway in Tulsa attempting to accelerate on the on-ramp. Turning off the car and restarting the vehicle allowed the vehicle to accelerate to highway speeds but sputtered a few times during the remainder of the 5 hour drive.
On the return trip from Oklahoma, the engine totally shut off after 4 hours of driving when travelling 70 mph on I49 near Butler, MO. Pulling onto the shoulder, the car ignition switch was turned off and then restarted. The last hour of the trip was completed without further incident.
The problem was evaluated at 2 different Toyota dealerships (no charge for the evaluation) with no problem found and identified. They were not able to have someone operate the vehicle for 3 plus hours to replicate the situation.
This problem still prevails to this day!
- Robert D., Peculiar, US
I bought the Camry new and after driving it a few miles it seemed at times the engine wasn't getting any gas. It would pause like it was running out of gas!!! It would pause sometime long enough that I would pull off the road. Cars behind me would honk to get going. It would happen when I was driving at a slower speed or just taking off from stop or yield sign. The tech guys told me it had to do with computer in engine. I have taken it back to the dealership three different times and they have driven it, but of course they didn't think anything was wrong. I'm 80 years old, probably my last car to buy and to pick out this lemon! Yep, I'm angry!
- Ruby B., Medford, OR, US
Sometimes engine will not accelerate when trying to pull out from stop sign or traffic light. Sometimes engine will not accelerate when making a left or right hand turn thru a intersection. Very dangerous / pucker / safety situation when turning left across traffic at intersection. Does not do it all the time but you just never know when. Reported to dealer 1st week after new purchase. They reported that no issues / codes found & could not duplicate the condition. I advised I know what I am talking about & from a Safety point I want it documented if I do get broad sided.
- cgreenega, Augusta, GA, US
I have a 2014.5 Camry. Car will not accelerate after making a right turn. I press pedal down many times and do not hear engine revving up and after about 5 to10 seconds it takes off again.This has happened about 10 times now. Once after this happened the car kept hesitating for about a mile. Contacted dealer and person said they have not heard of this problem. Car is going into shop tomorrow.
- Dennis M., Warwick, RI, US
This has happened 4 or 5 times now. Each time it happened I was at a red light waiting to turn left. There was only one other car waiting at the light coming in the opposite direction. When the light turned green, I gave it a little gas and went out into the intersection and took my foot off of the gas pedal for a moment until the other car passed me. My foot came off of the gas for maybe 2 or 3 seconds. When I gave it gas to make my turn, I did not have any power to make the turn. I pressed down on the gas about half way and nothing happened. After a couple of seconds, the power came back on, and since I had my foot half way down on the pedal, the car took off very fast.
One time when this happened, I was in the same situation, waiting to make a left turn. This time when it happened, the car pasted me and when I gave it gas, again, no power. But this time there was another car coming down the road toward me. I was in the middle of the intersection helpless. The car was coming closer and closer and they had to hit the brakes hard to not hit me. The problem I have, seems to happen when I give it some gas and then let off of the gas and then give it some gas again and get no power.
- rcole28, Surprise, AZ, US
First event - July 12, 2020 71,800 miles
October 22, 2024 104,500 miles after 30 minute drive, the check engine light and traction light came on at a traffic light. Turned off the vehicle and restarted the car which cleared those lights. The vehicle operated properly.
2 hours later I was driving the vehicle again. After 15 minutes of drive time, the check engine and traction lights illuminated when travelling at 30 mph immediately slowing the vehicle to 20 mph. Mileage was at 104,518 miles. Then carefully drove the car to the dealership without shutting off and restarting the car making sure that the Toyota service department could evaluate the vehicle (a 19 mile drive). The speed initially was 20 mph and fluctuated between that and up to 40 mph. By the time that I arrived at the dealership, the check engine light was flashing. The vehicle diagnostic showed that cylinders 1 and 2 were misfiring.
The service technician found that the Purge Vacuum Switching Valve (VSV) was sticking intermittently. He replaced the VSV assembly. After replacement, I did experience one more event after a 30 minute drive. After stopping the car at a stop sign, the car would not accelerate above 20 mph, but cleared without restarting the car. The technicians checked out the vehicle without finding any further issues. No other incidents have occurred since that time.
For my 2014 Toyota Camry, The Vacuum Switching Valve (VSV) assembly (FP Number 25860-31070) cost $134.75 plus labor.
- Robert D., Peculiar, US