So, this was an interesting problem, to say the least. My car sat all weekend and wasn't driven, but that's nothing new since I mostly use it during the week to commute back and forth to work. I went out to start it so I could leave this morning, and it cranked and turned over, but wouldn't actually start. Three tries and no luck had me bringing my hubby outside to show him, and he told me to take his '94 chevy blazer up instead (which, by the way, started just fine and with much less drama than my much newer car). I hadn't been on the road for five minutes when he texted me and said he managed to get it running-but that it fought him the whole time. He did drive it to work this morning and now he can't get it to reproduce the issue! We were planning on taking it to the shop to be looked at but I'm fairly certain that if it won't put on a show again, the mechanics will send me on my way. Who knows what's truly wrong with it, but if I drive it 50 miles to work and it leaves me stranded, I will be highly temped to take a torch to it.
So, this was an interesting problem, to say the least. My car sat all weekend and wasn't driven, but that's nothing new since I mostly use it during the week to commute back and forth to work. I went out to start it so I could leave this morning, and it cranked and turned over, but wouldn't actually start. Three tries and no luck had me bringing my hubby outside to show him, and he told me to take his '94 chevy blazer up instead (which, by the way, started just fine and with much less drama than my much newer car). I hadn't been on the road for five minutes when he texted me and said he managed to get it running-but that it fought him the whole time. He did drive it to work this morning and now he can't get it to reproduce the issue! We were planning on taking it to the shop to be looked at but I'm fairly certain that if it won't put on a show again, the mechanics will send me on my way. Who knows what's truly wrong with it, but if I drive it 50 miles to work and it leaves me stranded, I will be highly temped to take a torch to it.
- Jessica T., Fredericksburg, VA, US