Drivers seat belt latch broke, seat belt wouldn't "click" into position. How does a seat belt latch quit?? Aren't they semi-important, expected to last for the life of the car? Too many issues with Toyota, we're done with them for now after we had 5 Toyotas in the past 12 years. I've bought another new vehicle recently and am now looking for one for my wife - NOT Toyota. Too bad, 2001 Camry was best vehicle I ever owned.
Drivers seat belt latch broke, seat belt wouldn't "click" into position. How does a seat belt latch quit?? Aren't they semi-important, expected to last for the life of the car? Too many issues with Toyota, we're done with them for now after we had 5 Toyotas in the past 12 years. I've bought another new vehicle recently and am now looking for one for my wife - NOT Toyota. Too bad, 2001 Camry was best vehicle I ever owned.
- Michael R., Maple Ridge, BC, Canada