Any time A/C is turned on I step in a puddle of water. It's either I suffer with the heat and turn the AC off or the floor of my vehicle is a huge puddle. I brought the Rav in to see why condensate is draining inside the vehicle. All the shop did was clear the drain hose that drained outside. I was told when the hose plugs up, condensate will seep into the vehicle
Any time A/C is turned on I step in a puddle of water. It's either I suffer with the heat and turn the AC off or the floor of my vehicle is a huge puddle. I brought the Rav in to see why condensate is draining inside the vehicle. All the shop did was clear the drain hose that drained outside. I was told when the hose plugs up, condensate will seep into the vehicle
- demota13, Wallaceburg, Ontario, canada