RAV4 2015 was my dream car, but after using for two years some dash board light started showing without any significant issues. Servicing was done regularly, but I was surprised that issues are coming up. The ABS light is showing, the Drift light is showing, the brake light is showing and more importantly the steering wheel indicator showing. I have called mechanics to take a look at this signals but no solutions. What do I do?
RAV4 2015 was my dream car, but after using for two years some dash board light started showing without any significant issues. Servicing was done regularly, but I was surprised that issues are coming up. The ABS light is showing, the Drift light is showing, the brake light is showing and more importantly the steering wheel indicator showing. I have called mechanics to take a look at this signals but no solutions. What do I do?
- Ebene O., Portharcourt, Nigeria