
really awful
Crashes / Fires:
8 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
4 / 0
Average Mileage:
13,117 miles

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problem #18

Oct 192023


  • miles
Approximately mid May 2023, 5:15 PM +/_, while stopped at a red light while leaving the work parking structure, the engine revved up and wanted to move forward. Forcing the driver to apply heavy pressure on the brakes to avoid being forced into the intersection. An opening presented itself, the brakes were released and the car entered the intersection. Once moving forward the "unintended acceleration" stopped and the car performed as normal.There were no check engine, need service lights or indicators on the dash. With none of the above present we didn't expect a dealership to take our word of the incident. Then, on Oct 19th, app 5:30 PM the unintended acceleration happened again. While in town driving and stopped at a red light the engine revved up and the unintended acceleration was trying to force the car forward. Excessive pressure was needed on the brakes to hold the car in place and the transmission was put into park. Once in park the revving stopped. With a foot on the brake the car was put into drive and it performed normally. The driver was upset with a high level of anxiety of not knowing if or when it could happen again. The potential of hitting a pedestrian, another vehicle or being T-boned was very high in both incidents. An appointment was made at the dealership t next day and couldn't get it in until 10-31-23, 7:20 PM. Before taking it to the dealership we tried to replicate the unintended acceleration. After 8 miles and 30 minutes we were not successful. The dealership could not reproduce the event but acknowledged with documentation that this is a known problem. I am in possession of a Toyota Dealer UA Process Flow chart specific to these events. After the dealer went into the vehicle history they are saying there is nothing wrong with the car and the cause is driver error. The dealer can not give me a specific date of the event they claim was driver error. We have driven the car for almost 4 years, majority driven by one person with no incident.

- Plain, WI, USA

problem #17

Aug 312022


  • miles
On 8/31/2022 I was turning into the driveway of a friend. All of a sudden my car accelerated. There was another car in the driveway in front of me. I was trying not to hit it, so turned my steering wheel sharply to the right. I left the driveway, turning into a side yard, and then it seemed the brakes wouldn't work. I hit a tree, and went over a large rock, which stopped my car. As it happened, I did hit the other car. its back right bumper was hit, and my front left was crushed. My car was towed to an auto shop on 9/6/2022. It is not drivable. Incident was reported to my insurance that evening. My local agent told me to report to you on 9/9/2022.

- Kenmore, WA, USA

problem #16

Apr 152021


  • miles
While driving on a 50 mph Highway with the cruise control on and no vehicles or anything in front of the car for more than a half a mile the vehicle braked suddenly as if the system sensed it was going to hit something. I pulled off the road shut the car off and restarted the car and it operated normally after that. I would be concerned of a rear Collision due to this occurring for no reason

- Lakeland, FL, USA

problem #15

Dec 242021


  • miles
While driving I have noticed that the car slow down the speed near other cars, I understand that is the accident prevention feature, but when I was stopped at red light, I press the accelerator lightly, the car sped off, I have my daughter in the car and she told me Why are you accelerating mom? I told her I wasn't, my foot was off the accelerator and the car still speeding off. I pressed the breaks and it slow down. I do not feel safe with this car, but I have to use it, as I still have to finish paying it. My battery was replaced today, I had to pay for it, 3 years and gone! They told me it is because I do not drive much daily. My front tires are on yellow tread, not sure how driving 4-8 miles per day can cause all of this damage. I am so tired of car companies sell crappie cars. I had a Subaru before that almost burned (head gasket), of course, when I was finishing paying that happened. By the way I see by the time I finish paying Toyota, many things will need to be replaced, if I do not get into an accident because of weirdness of the car slowing down or speeding. For sure my next car won't be Toyota for safety reasons!

- Galesburg, IL, USA

problem #14

Aug 102021


  • miles
I was turning into a parking spot at my doctor's office when my car engine revved up and sped through the doctor's office nearly hitting my doctor and another patient. My airbags did not deploy. I had my foot on the brake but it did not stop the car. The automatic emergency braking system and forward collision warning did not work. My car had to be towed and is now waiting to see if it can be fixed but with the safety features that I paid extra for, I'm not sure that I would even buy a new one of this particular model. I came very close to killing my doctor and that patient!

- Moore, OK, USA

problem #13

Jun 092021

RAV4 4-cyl

  • miles
The first incident happened on June 9, 2021. I was turning right very slowly into a parking spot at a grocery store when the car suddenly accelerated rapidly, even when I depressed the brake very hard. My car hit a row of small trees that formed a border between the parking lot and the street. The impact was so hard that there was over $5,000 in damage to the front of the car. I was in shock as it felt like the car was out of control. The second incident July 27, 2021. Again, I was turning right to reach the exit of a parking garage at a medical clinic. I was going very slow because I was approaching the ticket booth to exit the parking garage. Just as I completed the turn, the car accelerated and lurched forward toward the arm that keeps cars from exiting. I was able to stop the vehicle by pressing the brake hard, and I did not hit the arm at the exit point. Again, it was shocking and very frightening for this to happen.

- Yelm, WA, USA

problem #12

Jun 122021


  • miles
The Toyota RAV4 2018 car acceleration went out of control and crashed into a retaining wall. The airbags exploded and the steering wheel airbag burst. The car was totaled and is with State Farm. I was blessed to still be alive the car speed out of control on its own. I tried to push on the brakes but the car kept going. The accident could have been worse. No one else was injured only another car was hit. I did reach out to Toyota and they said it could take 4-6 weeks for someone to look at the car. I reach out to the dealer and waiting to hear back from the dealer. The police department issued me a ticket, I have court on July 23, 2021. State Farm insurance declared the car a total loss. No warning lamps or messages. The first same incident happened on April 3, 2021, and on June 12, 2021, was the day of the accident. The incident and accident happened at the same location. I would like to speak with someone at your organization. The car is at State Farm's collision place. I would like for your organization to look at the car. I will call to make sure that the car is still at the collision place.

- Denver, CO, USA

problem #11

Apr 302021


  • 25,000 miles
Car was on cruise control, due to a car in front, it was driving 10 mile below the cruise control speed. A new car came in between my car and the previous car in front, my car started speeding up suddenly. I hit the break and canceled cruise control immediately to prevent crash. This has happened at least 6 times do far. Only seem to happen rarely when some new object comes in between.

- Plymouth, MN, USA

problem #10

Nov 032020


  • 13,800 miles
While in reverse with foot on brake (stopped) the vehicle was rear ended. While foot still on brake the vehicle had uncommanded forward acceleration (engine revved up like foot floored the gas pedal). Vehicle accelerated forward ~25 ft and hit the front of another vehicle (foot on brake pedal entire time). Upon impact, the vehicle had uncommanded acceleration in reverse (foot on brake pedal still). Was able to turn of ignition and pull the emergency brake to stop the vehicle after moving ~25ft in reverse. At final stop, the vehicle's transmission lever was in the drive position. Note: Tow truck driver started vehicle to go in reverse a few feet for positioning. With engine running, vehicle was put in reverse and gas pedal pressed gently. Vehicle went in reverse (< 2mph) as it should. Foot applied to brake and vehicle put in park in one motion. Vehicle in park and foot on brake the engine began to rev up again. Key was turn off. Vehicle towed.

- Broomall, PA, USA

problem #9

Sep 082020


  • 66,000 miles
Car is failing to speed up past 60 unless using cruise control then the car used a lot more gas then normal. I also tried to pass a car to get up to highway speed and was unable to, very dangerous on the highway. Then the car would not go past 40 I tried to switch from eco to sport to normal thinking that maybe the computer was confused but that did nothing. So after trying to speed up multiple times I got a hybrid malfunction light and told to pull over. This has happened to me in the past as well. Toyota dealer was unable to diagnose any issues with it and just reset the computer.

- Lubbock, TX, USA

problem #8

Jul 032020

RAV4 4-cyl

  • 15,000 miles
On 7/3/20 at about 3 pm edt I was preparing to turn left and exit my neighborhood. I was stopped. I pressed on the accelerator and the vehicle suddenly accelerated straight ahead at a high rate of speed. I was unable to stop the vehicle. I travelled about 100 to 150 feet, climbed an enbankment and landed in a small wooded ravine. I was attempting to exit my neighborhood onto a paved road.

- Wilmington, NC, USA

problem #7

Jun 052020


  • 47,800 miles
Pulled into driveway and had foot on break. Going very slow to park. Went to put car into park and car lunged forward and hit garage. Backed up and car went very fast so had to move forward again out of road. Put car into drive and cat surged forward and out of control. Able to avoid garage but car went beside garage, and into slight drop off. I was able to stop car by flooring break and putting into park. Called police they made report, called roadside service and towed to downeast Toyota in brewer Maine. It's now going to have information pulled and researched to determine what happened. No pictures. A lot of damage to front and maybe underneath. Car went over a cement block.

- Old Town, ME, USA

problem #6

Jun 112020

RAV4 4-cyl

  • 13,000 miles
My 2018 Toyota Rav4 has 13,000 miles. Driving at 20 mph on a one-lane secondary road when vehicle speed increased on its own. Stepping on foot brake had no effect. Acceleration was constant and non-stop. About 30 seconds later, car slowed as though my foot had been removed from the accelerator. The problem was - my foot had been constantly on the brake pedal. This uncontrolled acceleration has happened only once but I only drove it to get home. Note: Floor mats were properly anchored.

- Norwood, MA, USA

problem #5

Nov 282019


  • 20,000 miles
In three separate occasions since purchase January 16th, 2018, the adaptive cruise control has lost track of an SUV in front of me and continued to accelerate. Driver had to intervene. First instance was a brown Pontiac aztec in clear weather daytime. Second occurrence was a blue Chevy encore in clear weather daytime. Third occurrence was a black escalade in clear weather at night. Vehicle cruise control was set to 70-80 mph with the closest distance setting.

- West. Bloomfield, MI, USA

problem #4

Jan 312018


  • 500 miles
Same problem I had with the 2014 Rav4 is now happening with the 2018 Rav4 starting from a stop at a traffic light or making a turn the car fails to move for moment as if you did not step on the gas and I am now afraid to make turns unless at a traffic light.

- Naples, FL, USA

problem #3

Feb 012019


  • 25,000 miles
If you drift away from another vehicle or obstacle (pedestrian, bicycle, etc) that is also drifting into your lane, the lda system (lane departure assist, which is touted as a safety feature) will pull you back towards the obstacle you are trying to avoid. Clearly this is a safety hazard and should be removed as a "feature" from the vehicle. Toyota should also stop calling this a safety feature. Secondly, the radar assisted cruise control will start braking if it sees the vehicle in front is slowing down. However, if the system then thinks an accident is imminent, the crash warning shows up and the cruise controlled braking is then disabled causing the vehicle to stop the braking process, and thereby causing a safety hazard since the car will now coast into the obstacle. Again, this is a surprising and terrible implementation of this system that should be removed or fixed.

- Middletwon, CT, USA

problem #2

Jan 262019


  • 5,000 miles
Vehicle was in a parking space; foot on brake. Went to shift the vehicle into park and it accelerated into the glass / building I was parked in front of. Air bags did not deploy.

- Islip Terrace, NY, USA

problem #1

Sep 242018


  • 5,000 miles
Toyota rav 4 accelerates on it's own while driving I brought it back to dealership and I was told that the computer shows that it didn't accelerate on it's own. It has happened two more times the latest was today Sept 24. I am afraid for my safety and the safety of my family and other driver because once it took me thr a red light a D today I almost hit a tree.

- Huntington Station, NY, USA