The Atkinson cycle Toyota put into these trucks was made to be efficient and easy on mother earth by using a combination of fuel and electricity to power cars and trucks. However, when you have your family in the truck, take that left turn at the light and just as you are halfway to being on that road you notice a vehicle attempting to keep you from turning so they have accelerated to 90 mph to get you to stop or scare you to death because they think the road is theirs and not yours. So you do the only thing left to do since you have too much of the truck on the road you are turning onto, you floor it. Now most people are used to an engine that, when you floor the gas pedal, it firmly plants the back of your head on the headrest you never use except in these moments. Now here is the problem. NOTHING HAPPENS! You are in the hands of a 19 year old idiot who, if they were going much faster than you realized, could plant their hopped up Honda Civic squarely in the seat your wife is in. So the big bad truck you thought you had now turns into a non-factor because it takes too long to accelerate. Once I realized I had a problem with the truck, and the best answer Toyota can give is the fluids need topping off, given their recent record, I traded that truck in so fast I forgot I even bought it. I will NOT lose a family member to a company that has gotten so bad, my wife has to use a rental car because her 2006 Lexus IS250 has a defective passenger air bag, and it is not just their Lexus, it is every Lexus/Toyota that has that Tecata (spelling?) air bag installed in it. So for the years I had the Lexus, which I thought was the best automobile you could buy, had an air bag that could possibly deploy at any moment and snap your neck or any other passenger, I have now become a Toyota HATER. They have the nads to have poor people who work for food assemble their cars and you unknowingly buy the car and someone could die but it's ok a few people dieing is cheaper than replacing every air bag right Toyota? I will no longer support that company as everyone else should and start supporting the American economy and car companies, because if one of your relatives or kids die it is on your hands because you heard it first right here.
The Atkinson cycle Toyota put into these trucks was made to be efficient and easy on mother earth by using a combination of fuel and electricity to power cars and trucks. However, when you have your family in the truck, take that left turn at the light and just as you are halfway to being on that road you notice a vehicle attempting to keep you from turning so they have accelerated to 90 mph to get you to stop or scare you to death because they think the road is theirs and not yours. So you do the only thing left to do since you have too much of the truck on the road you are turning onto, you floor it. Now most people are used to an engine that, when you floor the gas pedal, it firmly plants the back of your head on the headrest you never use except in these moments. Now here is the problem. NOTHING HAPPENS! You are in the hands of a 19 year old idiot who, if they were going much faster than you realized, could plant their hopped up Honda Civic squarely in the seat your wife is in. So the big bad truck you thought you had now turns into a non-factor because it takes too long to accelerate. Once I realized I had a problem with the truck, and the best answer Toyota can give is the fluids need topping off, given their recent record, I traded that truck in so fast I forgot I even bought it. I will NOT lose a family member to a company that has gotten so bad, my wife has to use a rental car because her 2006 Lexus IS250 has a defective passenger air bag, and it is not just their Lexus, it is every Lexus/Toyota that has that Tecata (spelling?) air bag installed in it. So for the years I had the Lexus, which I thought was the best automobile you could buy, had an air bag that could possibly deploy at any moment and snap your neck or any other passenger, I have now become a Toyota HATER. They have the nads to have poor people who work for food assemble their cars and you unknowingly buy the car and someone could die but it's ok a few people dieing is cheaper than replacing every air bag right Toyota? I will no longer support that company as everyone else should and start supporting the American economy and car companies, because if one of your relatives or kids die it is on your hands because you heard it first right here.
- navy cpo , Jacksonville, FL, US