I left the truck at the airport for one week when I arrived back it just cranked over but wouldn't fire up. I do all the recommended maintenance and have never had anything go wrong with the truck. I end up having to stay the night in Vegas cause AAA couldn't get it towed till the next morning. And so it's understood I checked as much as I could, fuses, gas in tank, battery is 2 months old cranked good. Felt like I'd burn up the starter if I kept it up. Anyway they get the here 3 the next afternoon drop the truck in the driveway key in turn it and it starts and has started every time since then. So I don't know and can't seem to make any conclusions on why that one time it wouldn't start. 4 hrs till tow arrived and no codes thrown just like it happened. So now I travel I'll have to wonder if it'll happen again cause I don't know what to fix.
I left the truck at the airport for one week when I arrived back it just cranked over but wouldn't fire up. I do all the recommended maintenance and have never had anything go wrong with the truck. I end up having to stay the night in Vegas cause AAA couldn't get it towed till the next morning. And so it's understood I checked as much as I could, fuses, gas in tank, battery is 2 months old cranked good. Felt like I'd burn up the starter if I kept it up. Anyway they get the here 3 the next afternoon drop the truck in the driveway key in turn it and it starts and has started every time since then. So I don't know and can't seem to make any conclusions on why that one time it wouldn't start. 4 hrs till tow arrived and no codes thrown just like it happened. So now I travel I'll have to wonder if it'll happen again cause I don't know what to fix.
- Eddie M., Kingman, AZ, US