A few months ago car began to intermittently stutter but not die. Then it began to die out of the blue with no stutter, but restart right up. Finally it died and would not start right up but took a few minutes to turn over. Had the fuel pump, filter,and relay replaced, the crank angle sensor, and coils as well. Been in the shop over three weeks to duplicate problem because no codes come up. At my wits end.
A few months ago car began to intermittently stutter but not die. Then it began to die out of the blue with no stutter, but restart right up. Finally it died and would not start right up but took a few minutes to turn over. Had the fuel pump, filter,and relay replaced, the crank angle sensor, and coils as well. Been in the shop over three weeks to duplicate problem because no codes come up. At my wits end.
- Beverly W., Huntington Beach, CA, US