I brought the 2014 Jetta GLI to the dealership in November, informing them that my Adaptive headlights were not working properly. When I start the car, the car goes through the appropriate "test" (up and down and side to side), but, when I'm driving, I no longer see the headlights following around the corner and then straightening out after (I know when it's working as there is a slight delay from when you get on a straight away to when the headlights "catch up" to being on a straight away).
I was told, since there was no light on the dash, and there was no diagnostic code coming up, there was nothing they could do. They did reset the computer and told me to let them know if it still wasn't working. Well, holidays and everything else hit and I finally stopped by mid February only to be initially told by the service manager that my car does not come with adaptive headlights. I stood there for about 10 minutes telling him it's not the fog lights (that come on at 22 mph when one is making a turn with blinker) and that I definitely have adaptive headlights. I finally convinced him to look at my car when I told him (yet again) that the headlights test up and down and side to side when I turn the car on. Low and behold, he confirmed I was right. He was going to investigate and get back to me.
10 days later, and no phone call, I called him to receive the lame excuse the cleaning people cleaned most of his sticky notes off his desk so he lost a lot of numbers. Anyway, he called his VW contact and they told him to take a ride with me to verify what was happening, that customers seem to get used to the adaptive headlights and don't realize they are working until they drive a car without them. I quickly informed him that, while I agree I probably became immune to them temporarily, when I realized they didn't seem to be working, I made a special effort to look for them. I also told him I have a 97 Suburban that doesn't have them so I am used to going between the two vehicles.
Still no resolution as of yet (with no idiot light telling me they don't work).
I brought the 2014 Jetta GLI to the dealership in November, informing them that my Adaptive headlights were not working properly. When I start the car, the car goes through the appropriate "test" (up and down and side to side), but, when I'm driving, I no longer see the headlights following around the corner and then straightening out after (I know when it's working as there is a slight delay from when you get on a straight away to when the headlights "catch up" to being on a straight away).
I was told, since there was no light on the dash, and there was no diagnostic code coming up, there was nothing they could do. They did reset the computer and told me to let them know if it still wasn't working. Well, holidays and everything else hit and I finally stopped by mid February only to be initially told by the service manager that my car does not come with adaptive headlights. I stood there for about 10 minutes telling him it's not the fog lights (that come on at 22 mph when one is making a turn with blinker) and that I definitely have adaptive headlights. I finally convinced him to look at my car when I told him (yet again) that the headlights test up and down and side to side when I turn the car on. Low and behold, he confirmed I was right. He was going to investigate and get back to me.
10 days later, and no phone call, I called him to receive the lame excuse the cleaning people cleaned most of his sticky notes off his desk so he lost a lot of numbers. Anyway, he called his VW contact and they told him to take a ride with me to verify what was happening, that customers seem to get used to the adaptive headlights and don't realize they are working until they drive a car without them. I quickly informed him that, while I agree I probably became immune to them temporarily, when I realized they didn't seem to be working, I made a special effort to look for them. I also told him I have a 97 Suburban that doesn't have them so I am used to going between the two vehicles.
Still no resolution as of yet (with no idiot light telling me they don't work).
- langldar, Newton, NJ, US