I LOVE MY 2013 TIG S and curse VW for changing the Model 2016 and moving it down to MEXICO. Everyone I know who drives a VW/Audi is having problems with their OEM COIL PACKS. My independent Audi mechanic told me to upgrade to the Audi R8 RedTop Coil Packs (silver barrel with Red Tops).
I also broke the flimsy connector Bar while trying to install the COIL Packs. Note: Your car will buck and throw serious Error Codes if you don't have the Connector Bar pins fully locked & engaged. Don't use a screw driver like I did.
I LOVE MY 2013 TIG S and curse VW for changing the Model 2016 and moving it down to MEXICO. Everyone I know who drives a VW/Audi is having problems with their OEM COIL PACKS. My independent Audi mechanic told me to upgrade to the Audi R8 RedTop Coil Packs (silver barrel with Red Tops).
I also broke the flimsy connector Bar while trying to install the COIL Packs. Note: Your car will buck and throw serious Error Codes if you don't have the Connector Bar pins fully locked & engaged. Don't use a screw driver like I did.
- Michael C. G., Elk Grove, US