My ac guy says the condenser failed because there is no filtration of intake air, allowing organic material to accumulate in contact with the condenser forming an acid which ate a hole in the condenser. Had to completely disassemble dash to replace same. Not good design, either in the air intake system, or any provision for service of the condenser. Piss Poor Planning, unless being a pain in the ass to repair is the plan.
My ac guy says the condenser failed because there is no filtration of intake air, allowing organic material to accumulate in contact with the condenser forming an acid which ate a hole in the condenser. Had to completely disassemble dash to replace same. Not good design, either in the air intake system, or any provision for service of the condenser. Piss Poor Planning, unless being a pain in the ass to repair is the plan.
- Ted B., Hendersonville, Select State, US