pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $1,950
- Average Mileage:
- 73,600 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 19 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (9 reports)
- repaint my truck under factory warranty due to paint defect (6 reports)
- repaint truck (3 reports)
- redo bumper (1 reports)
first Dodge i have owned contacted crysler they pretty much said to bad , the paint is chipping off the top in about 3" circles does not even look good , apparantly the last dodge i will own ,guess i will go back to chevrolet .
- Roger F., Cement, OK, US
The clear coat on the roof of my 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT has almost completely come off the truck. Every older model Dodge product on the road that I see, I notice that the clear coat is coming off. It makes the truck look terrible. I am almost embarrassed to drive it in the daylight. Dodge used cheap products to paint their vehicles.
I have several estimates to repaint the truck, they range from $3,000 to $8,000. My truck is black and in order to get the paint to match the whole truck needs to be painted and re-sprayed with clear coat.
- Philip L., Fredericksburg, VA, US
Factory paint job is just peeling off like a bad sunburn.
- bentover, Dallas, TX, US
Clear coat just started flaking off. After washing the truck religiously and maintaining it with the utmost care. I've seen and taken pictures of countless trucks of the same year that display the same thing happening. Just so sad you spend all this money on a vehicle, maintain it as best you can, and to have the paint just start to peel off. Dodge really should make it right, but of course that won't happen.
- conyankee2, Wilmington, CA, US
I keep my vehicle in great condition. Nothing I could do about this. Clear coat just started to flake off of the bed lid/cover leaving the red base coat exposed. Started with a small patch about 4 sq inches. Now about 60% of the bed cover/lid is peeled. Estimate is $500 to strip and re-paint. The rest of the truck is fine, including the plastic bumpers.
- Jonathan L., Athens, AL, US
I have a 2003 Dodge Ram Laramie 1500 (Red). Bought brand new in 2003. I babied this truck. I washed it weekly and would give it regular 3000 mile oil changes.
Back in 2008 I noticed, what appeared to be, little specks that looked like tiny white snowflakes on the rail of my bed. Then these tiny looking snowflakes started appearing on the hood and roof of my truck. Within just a few months of noticing these little specks that looked like snowflakes, they started getting bigger and the clear coat /paint started fading.
Now the rails of my bed, my hood and my roof of my truck are now a beautiful chalky red. My truck used to be a crappy looking flame red (Hear the sarcasm), but now its an awesome chalky red.
Chrysler Dodge, this is your problem. This is a major error that needs to be rectified with a recall. If this recall isn't announced, I will never buy my family or myself a Chrysler product again.
- Matt H., Columbus, OH, US
Paint is peeling off on hood, sides and in back . You can't even cover them up so it looks better .
- mfournier, Washington, MI, US
When I bought my Dodge 2003 Ram 1500 series I thought nothing of the best. After a couple weeks at home I washed and waxed my vehicle as I normally do and noticed a light white tint to the clear coat and some cracking. I took it back to the dealership to have it looked at and they told me there was nothing they could do it was an after market paint job. Upon receiving that news and driving it for four years I have noticed that every dodge has the same issue. I did some research and found that dodge knew about a defect in the paint mixture to prevent this. I am now embarrassed to drive this hideous paint defective, cracked dash, and broken window switched truck that I still pay on. I have decided that if dodge wants to fix this problem and take some responsibility I would buy dodge again. If dodge does not want to accept responsibility I will continue to drive this poor advertisement and tell people never to purchase a dodge because of their customer service and extremely poor product responsibility. They apparently only want a first time buyer who is ignorant of the hideously poor service they provide. Dodge my only request is that you man up, take responsibility, and earn your customers back.
- dwgough, Hobbs, NM, US
Is there a anything that can be done about the paint?
- Rebekh H., Clarksville, TN, US
took the truck to the local dodge dealer in tampa florida and after half a day of waiting they refused to fix the problem, the clear coat is coming off turning my black truck white.
I will not buy a new dodge again !!!
- shaefling, Brandon, FL, US
MY truck was black now its faded so much its almost white with black flakes its a mess!!! Dodge should do something for their poor clear coat procedure!!!
- Matt S., Baton Rouge, LA, US
let me start by saying that I detail my vehicles about once every two weeks.I have a 2003 Dodge Ram quad cab.It makes me sick everytime I wash it now because my rear wheelwells have paint starting to blister.This is obiously no fault or wrong doing by me.My paint still shines as nice as the day I brought it home.I took my 2003 dodge back to Micks Dodge in Robinson Twp.PA. So the body shop manager could take a look at it.He took pictures and sent them to Dodge Corporate.He even let them know how good of shape my truck was in.Dodge denied any assistance for repairs to truck.
I made an attempt myself to contact Dodge.All they offered me was a year of free oil changes.What a joke!!! I am not looking for a cheep handout.Apperantly Dodge does not care about loosing customers or they would help all the people who have nice trucks rusting away.I was then told the bodyshop manager would work with me on the price to fix it.This is another joke,he told me 3500dollers and it is normally 4500.This is a down payment for a new chevy,which I might get if Dodge does nothing about this.I am already spreading my experiance around to other people because I guess Dodge does not care about their reputation ,or they would do something about this problem so many customers are having! Thanks Dodge for selling me my first vehicle ever to rust.My chevys never rusted.People always warned me about buying a Dodge.Now I know why.
- Daniel D., Coraopolis, PA, US
I took my truck to the dealer and show them the damage. They told me that it was out of warranty and that there was nothing they could do about it. I try to get an appointment with the service manager of the Dodge dealer but he was never available. I try to call the 800 # for Chrysler but I never had an answer. This is in addition to the crack in the dashboard panel and the plates that hold the controls for the windows. I am still trying to get an answer.
- Oscar S., Lake Forest, CA, US
We bought the truck new & take very good care of it. Last year the paint job (black truck) started to wear off on the front & sides of the cab. I am ashamed to be seen in it & my husband wants a new truck. We have never had a vehicle to do this. I don't know much about vehicles but I know this is a defect. I think they should have had a recall. We paid over $30,000 new & it's paid for so I hate to buy another vehicle but my husband is ashamed to drive around in it too. We didn't report it to the dealer because it was no longer under warranty. We will never buy a Dodge again.
- goodintx, Corsicana, TX, US
when we bought our truck we thought the world of the dodge ram. but after going through all this trouble and being embarrassed to drive the truck, i would not buy or recommend dodge trucks to anyone. and then after trying to call dodge and going back to the dealer for help, we got the run around. we are so frustrated and pissed off about this because this is something that is not supposed to happen when you buy vehicle!!!!
- marshel, Waynesville, MO, US
we have 2 dodge trucks and 2 jeeps and have had problems with the clearcoat comin off.
just wondering why?
- Joshua H., Taylors, SC, US
In the summer of 2005 I started to notice a white look of almost oxidation on the upper top of the bed of my truck. Then a month or so past and it became noticeable on the hood around the windows on the doors on top of the cab and several other places. It was like the top coat had went away and something was eating the pain. My truck is black in color and it looked like white bleach spots scattered all about. It became really dull and flat looking. I reported the problem at 29,876 miles in August of 2005. Then as months rolled on it was April of 2006 before I actually had anyone's attention. I took it to a local dealership who was the new owners of the place i bought it. They took pictures and sent in a claim. Still another three months went by, me calling every so often, to still hear, we haven't heard anything from the local DSM (District Service Manager), give us a little more time. Then after fast turn over in the car business. Noone stays at any dealership long. No one knew anything about it. We start this all over 6 months later. New pictures new dealership same DSM, new miles of 31363. New pictures were taken new estimates done and the look of the truck looks like it has the mange. White spots are terrible. Then guess what that service man got fired the DSM left for another franchise and new people are hired again for these positions. We now have a new service manager and a new DSM. I called today to check status again was told DSM retired and do not have one at all now but will investigate to see the status. Was called back to be informed that a denial was set on 07-25-07 @ 17:05:04 time as out of warranty. THIS IS BULLCRAP!!!! No one ever told me there was a denial..all I was ever told was that person doesn't work here anymore and a new claim has to be started or it is being processed for approval. In all they were buying time to now to tell us it is out of warranty when we all know good well when the problem presented itself the warranty was indeed valid. However their is no documentation to that. CHRYSLER CUSTOMER SERVICE IS RUDE AND NO HELP TO THE CONSUMER. This is a $33,000 truck that looks like hell. Ashamed to even drive it. It has only 37,000 miles on it now. I will never buy another CHRYSLER/DODGE product due to the inability to take care of the costumers they now have. It is a proven fact once they get the almighty sale they could care less what happens to the costumer. Stand behind your product and investigate the issue and treat the situation like a established company should. Rather than having non-caring employees who are just there to collect a paycheck and answer a phone. MY TRUCK LOOKS LIKE HELL! It is a paint issue at the factory. No other reason to explain it. Even the DSM and the services managers all 15 of them have agreed!
- H.C. H., New Market, AL, US
causes me a hell of a lot of grief because of what I've spent on the vehicle already
- Jason C., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Piss pour paint job. The clear coat keeps peeling off all over the truck.
- Michael T., Warfordsburg, US