Click on a problem below for details.
- Door Ajar Light And Dome Light Stay On
- Fuse #21 (Instrument Cluster/Stereo) Blows Out
- Key Won't Turn In Ignition
- No Power To Sunvisor Lights
- Side Panels Are Defective
- NHTSA: Seats: Mid/Rear Assembly
- NHTSA: Interior Lighting
- NHTSA: Equipment
- NHTSA: Seats
- NHTSA: Equipment: Appliance: Air Conditioner
- NHTSA: Equipment: Electrical: Radio/Tape Deck/Cd Etc.
- NHTSA: Equipment: Recreational Vehicle/Trailer
- NHTSA: Seats: Front Assembly: Power Adjust
- NHTSA: Seats: Front Assembly: Recliner
- NHTSA: Seats: Front Assembly: Seat Heater/Cooler