
hardly worth mentioning
Crashes / Fires:
0 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
0 / 0
Average Mileage:
60,335 miles

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problem #192

Jul 192014

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 64,865 miles
I was driving on an interstate going 70+ mph when my gas peddle stopped working, it would not make my car accelerate. The rpms dropped down to 1000-1500 and my car immediately started to slow down. I pulled to the side of the road and as I slowed down the car jumped and acted like it was stalling out. The wrench light on the dash also illuminated. I put the car in park and turned off the ignition, thinking that my car was broken down and I was going to have to get it towed. I thought to restart the car and when I did, it ran fine. Until 3 days later when it repeated the same symptoms, 3 times in one day. It has now been a week and I have had countless times where this has happened, many times on the interstate, or busy roads. Just today in a 2 mile stretch this happened 4 times!

- Madison , TN, USA

problem #191

Jun 042014

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 69,400 miles
It started out that when I filled up my fuel tank I would try to start the vehicle and it would not start, I would have to try several times then it would start. It then started shaking and idling rough when I came to a stop. Then as I was driving on the interstate it just died. I would pull over and start again then would die. I had to have it towed to dealer and they told me it was the vapor lock that went bad which in turn caused gas to get into my oil. They also stated that this part caused fuel to get into the vapor canister. Research has showed me that several Ford Fusion with the cap less fuel has caused several problems. They have since stated they have upgraded the cap less gas tank but what about the 2010. It ended up costing me 700 for both parts but the issue that caused the problem is still there. Please help.....

- Camby, IN, USA

problem #190

Jun 042014

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 98,000 miles
When our vehicle a 10'Ford Fusion sel sedan started this the vehicle would start to shake and die when the speed would exceed forty mph then after a couple days of not bein able to drive over forty mph the vehicle would not go at all it would start and jerk and die to the point that the vehicle could not be driven.

- Straughn, IN, USA

problem #189

Jun 042014

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 54,800 miles
I am filing this complaint in hopes that Ford will be forced to issue a recall regarding the dangerous acceleration issue the Fusion are having. My car will lose power when driving. I have to press the gas pedal almost to the floor to get the car to accelerate once I have lost power and the car jerks and sputters. The issue began on June 3, 2014 and worsened today, June 4, 2014. I do not have any check engine lights or wrenches. I have only traveled back roads and have not driven the car at a high speed due to fear of having an accident. I have read multiple complaints regarding a throttle body issue. So, I am taking my car to a Ford dealership on tomorrow, June 5th to have my similar issue diagnosed. I am concerned because the service advisor said that the extended warranty will only be for an update to my power train system; which is not what I read in the letter. I want to have my throttle body replaced and the power train update so to prevent any future and more dangerous failures. I am also fearful because of the 'one-time' repair program, I will be out of luck and a bunch of money should my throttlebody fail after the power train update.

- La Vergne, TN, USA

problem #188

May 012014


  • 67,000 miles
The gas tank hisses and the car begins to die when the car is sitting idol. The manual states to shut the car off and relieve the pressure by pushing the cap of where you would put the fuel in this does not fix the issue. When gas is put into the car to refill the tank the car does not start instantly. The ignition cont. To turn over and it takes several times of turning the key to get the car to start. After gas is put in the car the car runs slow the service engine light stays on and the car continues to jerk and die when the car stops for lights or to turn.

- N.Hampton , OH, USA

problem #187

May 232014


  • 63,400 miles
While driving my vehicle it suddenly felt like it stalled, but it actually had not. Before I could safely pull off the road it began violently jerking the whole car. Gas and brake controls were effected and the car was difficult to get off the road safely and difficult to stop it from moving forward once I got off the road. I quickly put it in park and turned it off. The check engine light came on as well as a wrench light during this incident. After about 5 minutes I turned the car back on and it seemed to be running fine. I started to drive to the body shop I use and after a couple minutes it did it again in the middle of an intersection. The car was extremely difficult to control and I was scared I would be hit by another car. After making it off the road again, I turned the car off. I eventually did get it to my body shop, but the defective throttle body could have resulted in a serious accident. Ford should recall this part and fix it!

- Holly Hill, FL, USA

problem #186

Apr 302014

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 65,800 miles
Traveling on I-10 near beaumont tx, with cruise control on when the car suddenly lost power/speed. I pulled off the freeway, tachometer jumping and with brakes and steering working. I could not get idle to steady, wrench light on; so I shut down engine. Restarted was slow but I was able to continue normal driving. Next morning took it to kinsel Ford dealer, they checked it out Friday and found no issues. Yesterday May 3rd it happened again. Knowing the posted throttle body issues, kinsel should not have sent me on a 7 hour trip back to dallas!!! this almost got me killed.

- Allen, TX, USA

problem #185

Apr 252013


  • 27,379 miles
Traveling on a road in orlando fl and lost speed and then eventually loosing power and had to drift off the side of the road. Finally was able to start the car just to be able to get it back to my home. Had to get the vehicle towed to the Ford dealership and found that the throttle body had went bad. Had to get it replaced. This is very dangerous when driving at a good speed and all of a sudden you loose power, thank god I didnt get in a accident. I see that there is a recall on this part with Ford but my VIN is not included.

- Westminster, MD, USA

problem #184

Mar 072013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 70,500 miles
After driving for ~20 minutes and the engine warming up, the engine will surge when coming to a complete stop after braking. There is also a smell of gas. Immediately after refueling, the engine is difficult to start. Once started it runs rough for a few seconds and wants to lurch away.

- Laurel, MD, USA

problem #183

Mar 102014

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 122,000 miles
Smelled gas and saw leak from top of tank down side of tank by passenger side rear wheel. Mechanic dropped the tank and said a split occurred on a seam through no fault of corrosion. He believes it to a manufacturer defect. All the vehicles I have owned never had a leaking gas tank from corrosion or otherwise.

- Pittsboro, NC, USA

problem #182

Aug 292013


  • 49,856 miles
Driving in far left lane at highway speed. The car had been on for about 10 minutes after sitting in parking lot all day. It was 96 degrees. Car started to vibrate and slow down. I noticed that the tool light was on. Obviously I had entered into limp mode and found a way to cross four lanes of rush hour traffic to make it to the emergency lane. Once stopped engine loped erratically and would not accelerate. Engine was non-responsive to pedal changes. Put car in park and shut the engine off. I waited 30 seconds and started the car again and drove home (26 miles) without further incident. It should be noted that I have experienced surging in the engine this past week. Symptoms point to the throttle body; but this is speculation as I have not had the car diagnosed by a professional. I am aware that there is a current investigation into this matter. This event happened at highway speeds and could have been disastrous. Driving can be inherently dangerous and parts do break; but, the fact that this has been a known issue for quite some time warrants an additional report.

- Lagrange, KY, USA

problem #181

Jul 042013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 140,000 miles
The contact owns a 2010 Ford Fusion. The contact stated that he noticed a leak underneath the rear end of the vehicle. The vehicle was taken to the dealer who stated that the fuel tank was corroded and needed to be replaced. The vehicle was not repaired. The manufacturer was notified of the defect. The failure mileage was 140,000. Updated 04/22/14 MA updated 04/24/14

- Southside, AL, USA

problem #180

Jun 092013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 53,450 miles
Wife was driving down 4 lane highway when car stalled and died due to bad throttle body. Cars behind her had to change lanes, one truck had to slam on brakes. The red wrench light came on. I've heard other complaints on the very same issue with nothing being done. I'm reporting now because I've got another issue with the driver side axle leak. Also another issue I've seen multiple reports on. I bought extended warranty but have been out $200 for deductible. These are issues that Ford needs to step up and make recalls. The bad thing is I've had to wait for the parts both times because its such a bad issue that everything is on backorder. Please get these things taken care of before someone gets seriously hurt. My wife was very close to getting hit by a big truck. I think people that have been out money for these things should also get refunded. There needs to be a recall on both issues. Thank you..

- Elizabethtown, KY, USA

problem #179

Jan 052014

Fusion 4-cyl Diesel

  • 36,000 miles
Car started to lose power and speed while driving. Pressing the gas barely made it go for a few hundred feet, then it died. On busy highway, but was able to make it to side street and push past a drive way. Restarted and was able to drive another couple of miles. After about 1.5 hours of waiting, it died 2X while driving about 2 miles home. This has happened before (a couple of years ago) to this same vehicle (taken to dealer at least 2X for the problem). Based on what I read today online, it sounds like the "throttle body". trying to get the car to the dealer tomorrow.

- Honolulu, HI, USA

problem #178

Dec 162013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 65,300 miles
My 2010 Ford Fusion stalled many times last weekend. I pulled the car over to the side of the road, put it in park, and turned it off and back on, and it ran fine to get me home. I had no further problems with it until today, roughly a week later. It stalled on me twice at speed, and I had to pull over, turn it off, and restart the engine, upon which it ran fine. Each time it stalled, the wrench icon lit up on the dashboard after it stalled, but did not stay on once the engine was restarted. Today after the third stall, I noticed the car was kind of jerking as I pulled it to a stop, but as I pressed the gas nothing happened. I was told by Ford that this is the throttle position sensor (tps). This switch almost got me killed in heavy traffic more than once and it's a matter of time before someone get killed because Ford has yet to recall this part!!!

- Lancaster, TX, USA

problem #177

Dec 182013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 88,492 miles
Traveling at speed in heavy traffic, the car shook and I lost all power. I was able to make it to the side of the road although several people had to swerve around me as I was going uphill and lost speed quickly. The "wrench" warning light was on. While the car would idle, nothing would happen when I pressed the accelerator. I shut off the car and was able to restart it. Everything seemed fine and no warning light. I made it home safely with no more incidents and discovered many other people have experienced the same issue. I will be calling the dealer tomorrow to determine options for part replacement. I am very lucky that I was able to make it to the side of the road and not cause an accident considering the traffic situation. This should be a recall item!

- Hamilton, VA, USA

problem #176

Nov 102013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 32,000 miles
I was driving northbound on interstate 5 in seattle when I suddenly felt a "tug" and lost all power to the engine and the "wrench" light came on. I was able to maneuver to the right-hand lane where the car lost all power to the engine and died in the middle of the high bridge. The electrical remained on. A state trooper pushed us off the highway and I had the car toward towed. My mechanic replaced the battery but a month later (Dec. 15) the same thing happened again in nearly the same location (montlake exit of I-5 northbound). This time I was able to start it back up and drive it home. The dealer (autonation in bellevue) diagnosed a faulty throttle body. This is very similar to incidents being investigated by NHTSA per a report in usa today: www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2013/02/25/probe-Ford-cars-SUVS-stalling/1945799/.

- Seattle, WA, USA

problem #175

Dec 092013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 25,879 miles
My wife was driving home on the freeway at 3:30 pm during heavy rush hour traffic. Without any warning the car quickly started jerking and slowed down from 55 mph to less than 20 mph. She tried to accelerate, but the car would not. Unfortunately, my wife was in the middle lane of heavy traffic and she had to quickly maneuver to the right shoulder where she placed the car in park and shut it off. Even when the car was initially placed in park it continued to jerk until the engine was shut-off. She indicated that the car ride felt similar to a mechanical bull with all the jerking motion. Needless to say my wife was petrified with driving our car and feared for her life with the heavy traffic! after a few minutes she started the car and it appeared fine for her to drive (10 miles) home. When she got home we called the local Ford dealer and scheduled an appointment. They determined that it was a bad throttle body and cost over $600 for the repair which is outrageous since we have less than 26,000 actual mileage. This was a very scary and unsafe situation. We are so thankful that my wife didn't have a car accident. We are concerned that Ford Motor Company is aware of this safety problem and they are not being proactive to correct it. Will this be another Toyota Camry tragedy with people getting hurt and / or killed in car accidents before this problem gets corrected"????????"

- New Brighton, MN, USA

problem #174

Aug 102013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 44,796 miles
After accelerating away from a stop-sign the engine abruptly began to run exceedingly poorly, and lost nearly all power. I was unable to accelerate or maintain speed. After pulling onto the shoulder and stopping I was able to restart the car, but attempts to drive it would result in stalling at about 5mph. After about perhaps 50 feet. The car was subsequently towed to the dealership where the throttle-body was replaced at my cost.

- Cary, NC, USA

problem #173

Dec 022013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 55,000 miles
Driving on straight away about 35 to 40 mph. Lost power in the middle of the road with no time to pull over, push on gas pedal nothing happened motor never died completely but had no power to move.then put shifter into park shut off vehicle waited a minute then restarted it, ran fine after this for this 5 mile trip, but this is happening every different trip made, every day, sometimes more than once a trip, at different speeds.

- Carlisle, OH, USA

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