
hardly worth mentioning
Crashes / Fires:
0 / 0
Injuries / Deaths:
0 / 0
Average Mileage:
60,335 miles

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problem #72

Jul 192013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 63,745 miles
While accelerating, cruising or at idle, the engine stalls then dies. When restarting engine stumbles badly and dies. This happens in traffic, accelerating into intersections, at highway speeds, etc. Mil is now on constantly. Vehicle is completely unusable because it is past the warranty period. We will be replacing the throttle body at our own expense, but would like Ford to reimburse us.

- Woodstock, GA, USA

problem #71

Dec 052012

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 80,000 miles
Date and mileage of incident are guesses. Has happened on multiple occasions. When driving vehicle on highway or local roads, engine stalls as if it had no power, however, the tachometer indicates engine still running. Each time this occurs, vehicle has to be steered on to shoulder. When pulling onto shoulder, it vibrates tremendously. After it stops, you must put it into park, then restart the engine. Brought vehicle to Goodyear where it was identified as a P2111 fault. It was suggested that it be brought to a local Ford dealer for servicing. Brought to the local Ford dealership a week ago. Confirmed as P2111 fault. Part had to be ordered which took approximately 6 days to receive. As of this complaint, still waiting on service to be completed.

- Shreveport, LA, USA

problem #70

Jul 172013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 49,749 miles
Driving on 295 N bound at approximately 70 mph the engine just stalled...the little wrench light came on along with the engine light. I tried giving it gas but I could not get it to go so I had to fight the traffic to get over to the shoulder and shut it off. I attempted to start it and on the second try it did but felt like it was running on 2 cylinders.so I let it sputter along the shoulder to the exit where I shut it off and let it sit for a few minutes then tried it again, it started and I was able to get it to a advanced auto parts store where they plugged in the tester and got a throttle actuator error code.I got it started and it drove ok till I got home but haven't used it yet. This car did have a problem a few weeks ago but I thought it was just a glitch because it just ran rough and then went back to normal. Now I'm reading about other Fusion having the same problem.

- Jacksonville , FL, USA

problem #69

Jul 162013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 15,300 miles
Throttle body quit working while driving at 65 mph. Engine dropped to idle and would not respond to accelerator pedal. Wrench light came on at instrument panel. Coasted across 5 lanes of high speed traffic to reach the road shoulder. After turning off the car and turning it back on the throttle started working again. Dealer says that there is a nationwide back order for the replacement throttle body to fix this problem but there is no recall active.

- Wilmington, DE, USA

problem #68

Mar 312012


  • 74,080 miles
We bought our 2010 Ford Fusion used and the day we purchased the car we had a problem. The check engine light was on and when we asked the dealership we were told it was because they had just changed the oil and needed to reset the computer. We noticed that when we stopped the car would jump forward and stall. We called the dealership and were told to bring the car back and they would fix it and provide us with a loaner in the meantime. When I called back to schedule the service I was then told they would not fulfill there statement. We called, sent email and never received and response. I had pretty much given up on help until by mistake they had called us about our recent purchase and they had stated they had called the wrong person, I voiced my concern as the car had been getting worse and the stalling, especially when driving on the interstate was becoming more frequent and dangerous. We have had the car diagnosed, and some repair. We were recently informed that the problem in the throttle body which I have found out is on back order and was told the manufacturer is no longer making. I have found many complaints about the issue on the same make/model. This is a big safety hazard. Unfortunately when you are a one car family you cannot just set your car aside and not go to work or other necessary places. I do not understand why after at least 2 yrs of complaints on this issue it has not been taken care of so far. Someone will, if they have not already be seriously injured or killed due to this problem Ford and others are definitely aware of this issue since it cannot be repaired due to no part. These cars need to be recalled immediately,

- Riverview, FL, USA

problem #67

Jul 132013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 50,250 miles
While driving my car lost all acceleration. The wrench light came on and the check engine light came on. I had to quickly pull over to avoid traffic coming up from behind me. I sat on the side of the road turned the car off and waited a couple of minutes before turning it back on. This reset the gauges and I could begin driving home (less than a mile away). On the way home it happened again. Called my Ford dealership, veterans Ford in tampa, fl. I spoke with a service advisor named [xxx], who through my description of the symptoms said that it is the throttle body. They had just fixed three Fusion that very day with the same problem. He said it is a know issue with the 2010 Fusion model and they fix many of these. Seems to me that Ford should realize their is a wide spread issue with this part and it is unsafe. This should be a recalled part in my opinion as it is now going to cost me between 400-700 dollars to repair. Information redacted pursuant to the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552(B)(6).

- Hudson, FL, USA

problem #66

Jul 062013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 100,000 miles
Car engine unexpectedly jerked and rpms locked at 1000 no matter what was done with gas pedal. Did not recover until turned off and then on. Repeated over the next several days. Also engine would stall when trying to idle. Resolution was replacement of faulty throttle body assembly.

- Point Pleasant, NJ, USA

problem #65

Jun 292012

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 50,066 miles
Driving in heavy traffic the car lost power going up a hill, as if the gas pedal had been disconnected. Luckily I was able to avoid being hit and pulled out of the way. After a few minutes the car did start again but the shifting is strange and it dies a lot. I called Ford dealership and they stated it was probably the throttle body as they had been replacing them left and right. This would not be covered by any warranty and would cost around $500. I then had a private mechanic look at it. He drove it around and the car died on him 3 times in this one trip. So after checking...he confirmed it is the throttle body but the part is on a national back order and would take up to 6 weeks. The manager of the service department at the Ford dealership is very aware of the problem with the Fusion and advised me to contact Ford corporate. I did and their response to the problem was "we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.we highly recommend that your vehicle be inspected by your servicing Ford dealership to determine the cause of any symptoms your vehicle may be experiencing. They have factory trained technicians, comprehensive service information and specialized equipment to help diagnose your vehicle." Right, more money for them. Someone needs to do something about this before someone gets hurt in an accident. Ford needs to stand behind their product. It's obvious by the national back order that there is a problem somewhere.

- Clarksville, AR, USA

problem #64

Jul 112013

Fusion 4-cyl Diesel

  • 56,900 miles
Lost power while driving on freeway. Engine would only idle, very rough. Wrench symbol lit. Shut car off, opened/closed door and car was ok until next incident. Failure occurred several more times while driving home on freeway and at slower speed. Diagnostic at the dealer was a throttle body failure.

- Keego Harbor, MI, USA

problem #63

Jul 102013


  • 77,233 miles
Driving car approx. 50 to 60 miles an hour, engine just stops, no accelerator pedal pressure. Wrench light comes on(Ford owners manual shows it to be throttle body/drive-train). This has happened several times previous to yesterday's occurrence. We brought the car from drivetime and took it to their mechanic and he said he could not find a stored code, was I do not believe to be true. After searching online concerning some incident, we noticed that owners of the same model car have had the same problem. Very dangerous while traveling and the car just quits. Apparently Ford knows about because a car a local dealer and the parts department has parts on back order. Yesterday, 7/10 the check engine light came on and the code was P2112(throttle body stuck closed). Something needs to be done about this problem. Thanks for your time.

- Austin, TX, USA

problem #62

Jul 092013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 44,000 miles
While driving my 2010 Ford Fusion at around 25 mph, the vehicle stalled while in motion and I could not accelerate. The wrench warning light also came on. Luckily, I managed to get my vehicle safely to the side of the road, and when I placed it in park, the car started to shudder. I turned the car off, and when I re-started it, the warning light was gone and the car was operating normally. I am very lucky that the stall did not occur on the highway at a faster speed. A co-worker of mine also has a 2010 Ford Fusion and had this same issue a few months ago.

- Glen Allen, VA, USA

problem #61

Jun 302013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 56,000 miles
We lost all acceleration while pulling out of the store parking lot. We turned off the car, started it up again and it did the same thing while turning left into our neighborhood. Luckily no traffic behind or oncoming while making these left turns. We got it to the dealer and they said it was the throttle body, not under warranty, not on recall, advised against driving our car, did not have a car for us to drive, would not pay for a rental, and the part was on nationwide back order for a month! we called Ford customer service told them our situation (my wife is six months pregnant without a vehicle for a month). They agreed to pay for a rental car and put us on an expedited list. However, we have yet to hear when that part is coming in.

- Elkhart, IN, USA

problem #60

Jul 072013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 64,574 miles
Engine wrench light comes on, car will not maintain speed, engine drops to rough idle, accelerator is unresponsive. Car must be stopped, with trans mission in park, turned off and restarted. It has done this 9 times in the last day and a half... once while turning across traffic. This puts my life and passenger's lives at jeopardy.

- St Charles, MO, USA

problem #59

Jul 052013

Fusion 6-cyl

  • 39,653 miles
While driving in heavy traffic the car suddenly lost power, I pulled the car over to get out of the traffic. I came to a stop turned the engine off let it sit for approximately 10 minutes. I restarted the engine it seemed fine, I attempted to return home but experienced the same problem twice on my way home. I called the dealer to bring the car in regarding the problem. I described the problem to the service advisor, he seemed to know immediately what is causing the problem. $575 later I'm back on the road. Less than 4,000 out of warranty and this happens, it seems a common occurrence with other Fusion.

- Raleigh, NC, USA

problem #58

Jun 232013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 56,100 miles
June 22nd driving with my family to church along major highway at a rate of 60-62 mph the vehicle just went limp and I was barely able to pull the car over into the emergency lane. The car behind slammed its brake and horn. Wrench light came on. I turned off car ignition and waited a couple of minutes. Needed time to compose myself after almost being struck from behind. Started the vehicle and wrench light was off. Placed my emergency flashers on and drove very slowly off the next highway exit. Left car in commuter lot and called my wife to pick me up in the dependable Honda. This vehicle has placed my family's lives in a unsafe position. I will never trust driving it.

- Norwalk, CT, USA

problem #57

Dec 102012

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 54,000 miles
Traded in our Ford freestyle to purchase used 2010 Fusion vehicle in September 2013 with 53,000 miles and a 30-day warranty. This was our third Ford vehicle and we've enjoyed dependability, comfort and safe driving with our previous Ford, so we saw no need in purchasing a warranty. One month later, we were struck by hurricane sandy. Our Honda CRV-06 parked along side the Fusion was nearly totaled by a downed tree but not a scratch to the Fusion just few inches away. Now, we wish that the Fusion would have been in it' place. We noticed a rubbing right away to find our the stamford dealership sold us a car with summer tires and warped rims. December 2012, light came on which looked like a fuel cap. They told us it's a sensor and would cost $300 part is on back order. They reset light.

- Norwalk, CT, USA

problem #56

Jul 032013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 75,000 miles
I was making a turn into a mall when my car's accelerator quit working. I let off and pressed the accelerator and still nothing. I had to coast over to the side of the road and turn my car off. I left it off for a minute and restarted. It worked fine after the restart. A few miles later I had the same problem on the interstate at 60 mph. I did the same procedure as before and again, my car ran fine. A few minutes later I was pulling into a church parking lot and the same thing happened again. I decided to just go back home before I had serious problems at night. A few miles further the same thing happened while trying to accelerate after stopping at a traffic light. I had a parts store hook up a diagnostics machine and got a "throttle actuator control system stuck open" code. I began to google this and found that there have been multiple complaints about Ford doing this, yet Ford has not issued a recall. Needless to say, I am a bit furious that they would know there is a potentially deadly problem with their vehicles and they won't issue a recall to fix this.

- Warrior, AL, USA

problem #55

Jul 012013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 45,995 miles
I was accelerating from a traffic light when all of a sudden I had no response from my gas pedal and my check engine light came on. I was able to coast until I could pull over out of the way of traffic. I turned the car off and back on. The check engine light turned off, so I thought maybe I'm okay. But, once I got up to speed again, the same thing happened. I was able to get my car back home by driving on back streets at 25 mph. Using my odb-II reader, I retrieved code P2112 from my car. This points to the throttle body assembly.

- Lexington, KY, USA

problem #54

Jun 262013

Fusion 4-cyl

  • 47,300 miles
The car's throttle-body failed instantly, and without warning while it was being driven on a major secondary road. The failure resulted in a complete loss of power and required immediate emergency action to get off the two travel lanes (during rush-hour in northern Virginia), and nearly resulting in an accident. I was only 1/4 mile from entering interstate 66, which did not have a safe shoulder during the time of the failure, and which would have resulted in a much more dangerous situation.

- Vienna, VA, USA

problem #53

Jun 272013


  • 88,900 miles
While getting onto the interstate the accelerator failed the wrench light came on I pulled to the side of the road shut the car off restarted it drove another 10 miles and again same issue restarted and drove less than 5 miles and again restart drive less than 1 mile and yet again I called three different Ford dealerships and none of them have the part to even think about fixing this problem this needs to be recalled asap as some people don't have $400-$700 including myself to say ok Ford here is my car fix it while waiting a week to a month for it.

- Little Rock, AR, USA

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