So due to poor location of the radiator for my AC, a rock hit it through the grill and caused it to break, resulting in the whole thing needing to be replaced and costing up to $1000 (Part is $700 Canadian) if insurance won't cover it, as they say it won't be covered under warranty even though there is no protection between my radiator and flying objects...what is the point of a new vehicle if stuff like this can happen??
So due to poor location of the radiator for my AC, a rock hit it through the grill and caused it to break, resulting in the whole thing needing to be replaced and costing up to $1000 (Part is $700 Canadian) if insurance won't cover it, as they say it won't be covered under warranty even though there is no protection between my radiator and flying objects...what is the point of a new vehicle if stuff like this can happen??
- Chelsea C., Chetwynd, BC, Canada