So, here I am with the only car I'll ever buy new, having proclaimed to everyone, "Subaru's never die". And my car starts peeling. For absolutely NO reason on my part. Closely inspect the black (primer?) - There has been no damage to the area. The paint just started peeling. Groove Subaru said they contacted Subaru who said paint has a 1 year warranty. SUBARU'S PAINT JOBS WON'T LAST MORE THAN A YEAR, or Subaru would warranty the paint. To my neighbors, it looks like the prep job wasn't done right.
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So, here I am with the only car I'll ever buy new, having proclaimed to everyone, "Subaru's never die". And my car starts peeling. For absolutely NO reason on my part. Closely inspect the black (primer?) - There has been no damage to the area. The paint just started peeling. Groove Subaru said they contacted Subaru who said paint has a 1 year warranty. SUBARU'S PAINT JOBS WON'T LAST MORE THAN A YEAR, or Subaru would warranty the paint. To my neighbors, it looks like the prep job wasn't done right.
- Mike C., Littleton, US